£ 0,00

How it works


Our new online ordering system is directly connecting to online system of our suppliers, which is why our offer is currently more than 9000 products and it is regularly updated. We bring you the opportunity to gain an advantage over your competitors. Offer your customers the choice of more than 9000 products, including many that are only available through us. Thanks to the online synchronisation with suppliers, it gives you the opportunity to have access to the new product, same as the bestselling products. Also it gives you the unique tool tool to control of what are you ordering and for what prices.

Apart from the standard ehop features, our new system offers another interesting and useful functions:

Delivery schedule
There is a schedule for 5 following deliveries and deadline for placing an order for each delivery, you can also see the time remaining for placing an order for next delivery. All this is displayed on the Home page.

Product filtration: “Last Ordered”
This filter will display all the product that you have ordered at least once in your last 3 orders, this will save you time needed for making an order for product which your order on regular basis.

Product filtration: “Not Last Ordered”
With this filter, you will see all product you haven’t ordered yet, which gives you a easy and fast tool to order something new, to offer new products for your customers.

Product filtration: “Top 10 client / Top 10 shop”
These option will display 10 bestselling product in each category, either for your shop or for whole echop, which gives you the opportunity to compare your order and see if you have all the bestselling product in your offer. This function will take a bit longer to load as it processes loads of data.

Product details
After click on any product, there will be more information about the product. Expiry date (maximum expiry date from the day of manufacturing), Manufacturer, Weight and unit (pcs or kg), number of units in the package, EAN code, but also information about how many and in what price have your ordered this product in last 3 orders. This gives you overview for sales of the product and quantity that is sufficient for ordering. Also you can clearly see how the prices are changing, so there no surprises or hidden price raises.

Adding product to shopping cart
Adding product is really easy and fast, after ordering the needed amount and clicking on add to cart, product background will become darker, this gives you excellent overview of product already added to the cart.

Shopping cart
After clicking on shopping cart, its content will display and you can still adjust the amount of ordered products.

At the bottom, you can see the final amount to be paid, amount of VAT, discount for your order and also the delivery date.

What happens after you confirm the order?
1/ The order is checked by our sales person, for the any unusual amount (too big amount from some product for example) and all doubts will be clarified with you right away. This way we aim to minimise any misunderstandings.

2/ Your order is sent to the relevant suppliers or manufacturers.

3/ All the product are delivered to our central warehouse straight from production line, where your order is completed under CCV supervision. Your order is undergoing double check for the completion and expiry dates. This makes it practically impossible that you will receive anything you haven’t ordered or that some product that is on the invoice will be missing.

4/ If by the preparation of your order happened that some products are not available and won’t be made on time, our salesman will call you and offer a replacement, in similar quality and price.

5/ Immediately after completing your order, we will receive information about all product that were no available and in what amounts and we will forward this information to you before the delivery.

6/ Same day after completing your order, it is being loaded and dispatched to UK. All pallets are market and numbered. After arrival to UK, all orders are directly load to vans and delivered to you. We don’t manipulate with your order to avoid any mistake, with the exception of order which are too high to fit in the van, in this case, all the exceeding product are put on a separate pallet, wrapped and marked.You can be sure, that none of the product were stored anywhere, like in some warehouses, but is straight delivered to you. Whole process of ordering, preparing and delivering your order has been improving over the last 5 years.

If you place and order on Monday morning, your delivery will arrive in 8 days, latest on following Wednesday it already on shelves in your shop. From these 8 days, 4 days are needed just for the transport form Slovakia and another 4 days take for our supplier to make the products, deliver them to central warehouse and preparation and completion of your order for dispatch.



  • Creating an account
    1/ Click on “Registration” (top right)
    2/ Fill in all the required data and click “Click to register”
    3/ All the details will be displayed for you to check and Confirm registration
    4/ After a successful registration, you will receive and email (to the email provided) with information about your registration.
    5/ IMPORTANT! After a successful registration, we need to confirm your account for you to access all the features.
  • Account activation
    Each registered customer will have salesman responsible for your shop, depending on the area where your shop is located. If our salesman wasn’t present by the registration, he will contact you (usually shortly after the registration) on the phone number provided by the registration). In the case that he will not get in touch, you can contact us via email: admin@royalspirits.co.uk or via phone (from 09.00 to 17.00) on  07926 166502. This is only form the reason of activating your account and setting it up and clarify and explain any question. You will receive confirmation of activating your account to the email provided by registration, after this you can use all the features of our new system.
  • When will you receive your order?
    Date and time, until when the order need to be done is displayed on our Home page in the distribution plan table on the right side. There is also a countdown – how much time you have left for placing an orders for the next delivery. In the case you will need more time to finish the order, please contact your assigned salesman and will do everything possible to complete and process your order.
  • How to create an order?
    The system of ordering is the same as on every other eshop. Your shopping cart includes all the ordered product and offer management of the order, you can change amounts or delete products. You have the search option available as well as product filtrations. For example, after selecting “Top 10 shop”, you will see 10 bestselling products in each category of our eshop, what gives you excellent our bestselling products.

After adding all products you would like to order, click on the shopping cart icon (its always visible in top right corner, basket icon, with the total amount of your order). Shopping cart will display list of ordered products, amounts and price. Please check the order and make any necessary adjustments and click on continue. After this delivery address will appear to check and confirm. Payment is COD – Cash on delivery. All you need to do is to agree with the terms and conditions and click on confirm order. Your order will be automatically uploaded to our system and you will receive a confirmation to your email.

  • Until when can you change or cancel the order?
    Your order can be changed or cancelled no later than 48h after confirmation, by calling your salesman. Cancelling order is free within 48h after creating.
  • Products expiry dates
    Shelf life of products is displayed by each product after you click on it. This state the maximum shelf life of the product, state by manufacturer, including day of manufacturing. We would like to remind you, to take in account the days for transportation. For example, if the product has 14 days shelf life, the possible date we can deliver it to you is 10 days. If you wish not to receive any product with shelf life shorter than 12 days, please inform your salesman about this and he will make sure that you will not receive any product with shorter shelf life.

    In case this will happen anyway, all the unsold products received with shorter shelf life, will be fully refunded.
  • Damages or misplaced products
    We take full responsibility for delivery of your order to your shop, any damage damages product can be returned and will be fully refunded.
    In case, that you will receive any product that wasn’t ordered and if this wasn’t communicated before with you, you can choose not to accept these and will be refunded.

If you decided to give a chance to our new system, you will get an excellent tool to help you make ordering more effective, easier with better control of your orders, to have access to more than 9000 products, delivered straight to your shop from manufacturer, without any delays. We would like to thank you for your trust and welcome you to the family of successful and satisfied customers of Royal Spririts Ltd.

Sales team
Royal Spirits Ltd.

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